Interview Tips
How to prepare for a technical interview

Sell yourself! Learn as much as possible about the position, the company, and the interviewers themselves. The more detailed information you have about the company and the position, the better prepared and more interested you will seem. Visit the company's web site. Employers want someone who wants to work for them. Demonstrate this by:
No matter how thorough the employer is in the interview, you must ask questions. This demonstrates interest and thinking ability.
Smile; make eye contact; relax and feel confident; no nervous gestures. If you were the interviewer, would you hire someone who is frowning, looking at the floor, fidgeting, nervous, and responding with "Yes" and "No" answers only? Skills are not everything; personality counts a great deal also.
Be on time; memorize the name and proper pronunciation of the person you will meet; dress professionally/appropriately for the company you will visit.
Think of specific examples that demonstrate this. Practice at home how to/what to say to sell yourself and your ability. If you don't have experience in one of the job requirements:
a) Explain that is why you are interested in the position; to gain experience in something new.
b) You are a quick learner and willing to work hard to eliminate that deficiency.
Tell the employer you were intrigued prior to the interview and are now even more so.
Have your resume and paper/pen ready. Clear the room of kids, pets; turn off music/tv; close the door. Use a landline unless you're certain your cell phone signal is perfect.
Commonly Asked Questions:
Below is a list of commonly asked questions in an interview. Consider carefully how you would answer:
1. Tell me about yourself/Describe your background to me.
2. What are you looking for in a new position? /... in a new company?
3. What do you know about this position and company? Why are you interested?
4. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
5. What are your strengths? /What was your greatest accomplishment?
6. What are your weaknesses? /What was your greatest failure?
7. From whom have you learned the most? What was it? Why was it important?
8. How do you feel about your current manager?
9. What would you change at your current company?
10. How much money are you looking for?
11. What information is important to you in making a decision about this job change?
12. When are you available to work at this position?
What questions do you plan to ask the employer either about the job, company, or other things?